Working to support the Agricultural Industry in the Pilbara
After working on a mine site you can imagine how much our team like hitting the country side to work with our Agriculture clients. Western Power Solutions work with some of the most iconic Pilbara stations from their residential dwellings through to the pivot irrigation systems that help feed their cattle. We know it’s important to this industry to have their stations running 24/7 especially during mustering season. We are on the stations prior to the mustering & dry seasons ensuring their accommodation, power generation & irrigation equipment is capable of handling increased operation for the coming busy period. We also understand how imperative it is to assist these clients promptly and effectively throughout the busy periods so their staff can do their job efficiently.

Pardoo Station had continuing issues with their power generation not syncing preventing power to the station and camp. Western Power Solutions were able to investigate and fault find the problem, we were then able to supply a solution with little down time. Subsequently, Western Power Solutions are now the preferred Electrical contracting company to Pardoo Beef Corporation and their operations.
Pardoo Station Power Generation
Pardoo Station Power Generation -
Pardoo Station Power Generation
Pardoo Station Power Generation -
Pardoo Station Power Generation
Pardoo Station Power Generation